Everything You Need to Know About NCHMCT Syllabus


The National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) is an autonomous body which has been created under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. It is the body tasked with conducting the Joint Entrance Exam (NCHMCT JEE) which allows the candidate to take admission in any of the 58 Institutes of Hotel Management which are affiliated with the Council. There are four kinds of participating hotel management institutes affiliated with the Council which the candidate can take admission through the hotel management entrance exam. There are national institutes, state government institutes, public sector undertaking institutes and private institutes of hotel management.

NCHMCT Syllabus

The NCHMCT syllabus consists of 5 sections including subtopics with a total of 200 questions with duration of 3 hours.

  • Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude (30 Questions): elementary maths, basic arithmetic, ratios, fractions, roots, variations, logarithms, commercial maths, simple and compound interest, percentages, discounts, areas and volumes etc.
  • Reasoning and Logical Deduction (30 Questions): verbal reasoning, analytical reasoning, arrangement tests, analogies, classifications, coding and decoding, series, data interpretation and sufficiency tests, other logical tests including syllogism and statement analysis etc.
  • General Knowledge and Current Affairs (30 Questions): general knowledge topics, general studies, current events both, national and international. 
  • English Language (60 Questions): vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms, spelling checks, idioms, rearrangement of words and sentences, paragraph analysus and identifying grammatical errors etc.
  • Aptitude For Service Sector (50 Questions): covers service and hospitality aptitude.

The marking scheme for the NCHMCT syllabus entails 1 mark for correct answers and a negative marking of 0.25 marks for wrong answers for the Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning and Logical Deduction, General Knowledge and Current Affairs and English Language sections. For the Aptitude for Service Sector section the marking scheme is different as more marks are awarded for a more appropriate answer. In the hotel management entrance exam, the most appropriate answer carries one mark, the next one carries 0.75, next to next carries 0.5 and the inappropriate answer carries a negative mark of 0.25.

Exam Day

For the day of the exam it is important that you are calm and composed because stressing out will occupy your mind space and not let you focus. On the exam day make sure that you are carrying all the important documents because without them you will not be allowed to enter the exam hall; reach the exam centre on time so that you've enough time to find your seat and settle well enough before the exam starts

It is important that you attempt the examination as per your strengths by attempting all the questions you know first so that you can save time for the questions that you know will take a little more time than the others. Please make sure that you read the questions carefully so that you answer specifically what is asked without falling prey to the tricks hidden in some questions. Do maintain the time strategy that you have developed by practicing on your mock test by keeping the marking scheme in mind so that you distribute your time on all sections.

And that is it! Prep hard, focus on your conceptual clarity, be vigilant while taking the test and give your best! If you have put in the hard work and burned that midnight oil, results will automatically show.

Good luck!


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